“The times are urgent…
Let us slow down.”

Bayo Akomolafe

We Acknowledge

We also acknowledge that wherever we are from, we belong to this Earth. That our ancestors in deep time were in a close and animate relationship with the rest of life, and that it has been this way for 98% of the time that human life has existed on Earth.

Importantly, wherever Coming to Life holds space across this continent and islands, we acknowledge that we do so in First Peoples’ Country. That First Peoples are in a profound and loving relationship with Country, and have been so into deep time. We acknowledge the wrongs and deep hurt across time-places within Country, that Country is family, and that Country was stolen and never ceded. We are deeply sorry.

Through our offerings, we aim to honour the immense wisdom, strengths and resiliences of First Nations people, and of Country. We are committed to deep listening. Through our work, we are called to continually guide ourselves and others away from the patterns and values that perpetuate colonisation, and towards respect, care, kinship and autonomy.

The challenges of our time are complex and interwoven. For things to change we can’t do the same stuff. To create the positive changes we long for, we are all being asked to shift our orientation and evolve.

If you want to explore what these shifts are, and what they could look and feel like for the group of people that you’re working with, let’s connect.

We pause. We slow down. We drop in.

We help you tend to the crises of our time and connect with what you care about.

We nurture connection

We believe that when people are allowed to slow down, engage their senses, and connect to the natural world and to themselves, they shift into a better position from which to support the wider web of life, and humans within it, to thrive.

We curate lasting experiences

Coming to Life creates enlivening and lasting group experiences for purpose-driven organisations and individuals to uncover paradigm-shifting clarity on how to be and what to do as they tend to what they care for.

We hold space in nature

We hold space, usually in nature – amongst birdsong, feeling the fresh breeze blow through leaves and across your skin – as a way of returning to something richer and vaster than ourselves.

Want to know more about us?

Read on to discover more

Our Offerings

Bespoke group experiences that are either:

  • a special ‘activation’ (opening of an event) or an

  • opening of an event followed by any combination of our Core Components facilitation of team dialogues, guided nature connection activities, education on decolonising (led by First Peoples) and more.

What we do

We design and facilitate in-person, outdoor and indoor, and online group experiences in skillful, ‘other-wise’ and transformative ways. Why? Because if we want our dialogues and group time to make a difference then let’s open them and hold them accordingly. 

How we work

Nature based, integrating somatic embodiment practices to support and calm nervous systems, Acknowledging Country in meaningful ways and drawing on our Five Elements.

There are a range of options for how we can design an experience for you.

Why we offer our experiences

We believe that there is groundwork we can all do so that how we take action to care of our world, and communities within, aligns even more with what our time asks of us.

Ways that differ from the patterns inherent in the systems that create the challenges that we face and instead seed joy, connection and clarity.

Our People

We are supportive and highly experienced group experience and process designers, facilitators, decolonising educators, somatic meditation and embodied movement guides. We are a mix of settlers and First Peoples. We care about life, in all its forms, and we are circuit breakers of the status quo.

What People Are Saying

“Leadership Victoria, and the Williamson program, have been working with Pru and more recently the Coming to Life team for three years. The Williamson program is all about expanding the way participants see the world and change the way they exercise leadership. Pru and the team have worked with us to create an immersive experience that moves folks out of the purely intellectual into new ways of questioning their assumptions and mindsets, that works more completely into the systems we are a part of - felt sense; our experiences in the more than human world; the stories that we internalise, share and hold out. Their work shifts people in the ways they see the world and their sense of what is possible.”

— Lisa Croxford and Ang Rutter Leadership Victoria

“Pru and the team ran a really beautiful session that allowed space for us all to connect with nature, meditate and ground ourselves in the climate work we all do. It helped us to develop trust and openness within our group so we can continue our work with renewed connection and energy.”

— Lisa Whiston Climate For Change

An awakening to the realisation of the flow of life is constantly within us … A moment of quiet, still awareness, which creates a non-judgemental space for the relational and agential sharing of stories that identifies, (re)connects … becoming with Country and community.
— Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann et al.