Amy Huon

Amy is a Feldenkrais practitioner, long-time somatic meditator (in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche), and a mother to three young children.


Amy is fourth generation Australian with primarily European ancestry. Her descendants hail from England, Ireland, Scotland and France. She lives in Wurundjeri Country.

Amy’s trauma-informed work seeks to meet the challenge of our times by tapping the resilience and wisdom of our embodied selves – as parents, partners, friends, and citizens. Her background in the arts, and in feminine mythology, and her ongoing training with both Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing methodologies further inform her group and individual practice. Amy is committed to working with heart, humour and discernment.


I’m excited to:

·  Support embodied, felt connections with ourselves and each other.

·  Create an atmosphere of receptivity, softening our habitual ways of moving, thinking and feeling.

·  Support people to develop nervous system self-regulation and co-regulation.