What We Do

Coming to Life generates the groundwork needed to navigate the interwoven challenges of our time with aliveness, intelligence and a sense of joy.

We create bespoke and lasting group experiences that, like hands cracking into soil before planting a seedling, create space for new connections and possibilities to emerge.

Our Offerings

We design and facilitate enlivening experiences for purpose-driven organisations and individuals to uncover paradigm-shifting clarity on how to be and what to do as they tend to what they care for.

We hold in-person experiences outdoors, in the bush, in and around the buildings where you meet and online too.

Our in-person experiences can happen in the beautiful bush and beaches of Kurkala Dorla (Anglesea), on a mountain-top (Yarra Valley), in Naarm (Melbourne), around the salty sea, pandanus and mangroves of Garramilla (Darwin) and in and around nipaluna (Hobart).

Each offering is

bespoke, nature based, integrates somatic embodiment practices to support and calm nervous systems, Acknowledges Country in meaningful ways and draws on our Five Elements.

Experiences we create for you can be

Our core components

As we design your group experience you can select any combination. You decide the mix and length of each component.

  • A uniquely different way to begin* your events, retreats, meetings, dialogues, gatherings and workshops. We will design and facilitate your opening in a that will lay the groundwork for you having refreshing and nuanced conversations. 30 min - 2hrs.

    *If there’s a Welcome to Country then we would respectfully go after that.

  • We will design and facilitate a discussion that is relevant to what your team or group is currently navigating and trying to work out. Any length that you require from 2hrs to multiple days.

    We will help you uncover perspectives and ways to approach you situation that you may not have considered before. Our facilitation style, is based on:

    • process-oriented psychology,

    • regenerative facilitation,

    • nervous system support,

    • nature connection and

    • our 80+ years of combined experience.

  • You’ll invited to open your senses and take your time in the natural world. Walk, wander, breathe in the fresh air, maybe light a fire to sit by without matches and connect in ways that you might not have before, or might not have in a while.

    This can be a fully immersive experience in the bush, in a park near where you work or a mix of outdoor and indoor or online as well. 1hr to a full day.

    You’ll welcome the nourishment, connection and fresh vantage points and perspectives you will gather and be able to integrate into your endeavours going forth.

  • Educational workshops on decolonising are led by Yin Paradies, Aboriginal-Asian-Anglo Australian of the Wakaya people from the Gulf of Carpentaria who is a Professor and Chair in Race Relations at Deakin University, as a part of a Coming To Life experience. One of Yin’s many strengths is to “seed new ways of being, knowing and doing with potential to transform lives”.

  • We bring in local First Peoples and other craft and art makers to guide you through simple craft making. Why? We know using our hands, and making something tangible, and doing that together, quietly or while in conversation, opens up possibilities (that words alone may not).

    Walk away with something that you can hold, a woven basket, a clay bowl, as a lasting memory of your time together. 1.5hrs to a full day.

There are a range of options for how we can design an experience for you

How we work

We work in ways that you might have not experienced before. We call them “other-wise” ways. Why?

Because taking the same steps and having conversations to work out what to do in our times, in similar ways = the same and similar results.

Different ways = fresh possibilities.

We listen to what your organisation is after and then our team of skilled facilitators co-designs and guides your group through an experience.

Our experiences will be accessible and meet your group where you’re at.

Our five Core Elements

Using our five Core Elements we invite people to attend to the quality of how we relate, be, perceive, and then act.

  • Give people an opportunity to feel their feet firmly on, and as a part of, the ground, breathe, genuinely acknowledge Country, experience our deep interconnectivity and feel that they belong.

  • Genuinely pause and expand our awareness. Rather than being on the treadmill, allow space to emerge in our minds and bodies so that fresh information we receive can actually enter and land.

  • Engage in practices that enable seeing, feeling, being and thinking in other ways. Seeing the ordinary, the world we’re a part of, with awe, love and reverence. What if we said “yes” to a softening, surrendering, letting go, a cracking open of ourselves, that invites metamorphosis where we can feel, sense, dwell and inhabit more of the world as it is?

  • Cultivate awareness of the patterns, assumptions and behaviours inherent within modern culture – those forged by the very systems that have created the challenges we swim in that budded a long time ago. Shed these ways before we act.

  • Sourced from the groundwork and our deeper nature, gain clarity on how to be and experiment with responses that could bud patterns that nourish life.


We provide you with a wholesome foundation – an alive fertile place – for your gatherings, that allows welcome possibilities to sprout and shoot. We work with you to help you ask essential questions, to come to life and find new ways to help your important work.

There’s a saying: ‘The times are urgent… Let us slow down.’ (I offer) the invitation to ‘slow down’, which seems like the wrong thing to do when there’s fire on the mountain. But here’s the point: in ‘hurrying up’ all the time, we often lose sight of the abundance that might help us meet today’s most challenging crises. We rush through the same patterns we are used to.
— Bayo Akomolafe