Our Why

We do this work because we deeply care about the world that we are a part of, our shared home, and communities within it, human and beyond.

Across this continent and islands for the last few hundred years, damaging stories of separation and supremacy have caused deep devastation, unravelling and destruction. Beyond these shores this has taken place even longer.

Like brave and wise people who have come before us have done, let’s peel away from the gravitational pull of more of the same. Taking care of what we love in the times we’re in requires us to move beyond the habitual to seeing our role as living ancestors. 

These are the 4 rivers that feed into why Coming to Life was created:

The paradox of our times


There’s a story of colonising and decolonising, and understanding our world in a different way.


There’s a story of ecological unravelling and the ever-present pounding pulse of phenomenal diverse life.


There’s a story of more of the same (power over, speed, rational, separation, growth to no end) and of everything else that is present and possible through shedding the patterns that have created our crises and feeling joy, abundance and connection.


There’s a story of separation and supremacy and there’s returning home to our interdependency and to our rightful place.

What if we said “yes” to a softening, surrendering, letting go, a cracking open of ourselves, that invites metamorphosis where we can feel, sense, dwell and inhabit more of the world as it is?
— Yin Paradies

Because life is abundant, intricately connected, beautiful and awesome, and in the same moment vulnerable, unravelling and collapsing.

Now, more than ever, we need spaces to come home and learn and (un) learn together. We are all being asked to shift our orientation and evolve in some way. There is groundwork that we can all do so that how we respond meets what our time asks of us.

This is why we help you tend to the crises of our time through different ‘other-wise’ ways:

  • Returning home to our connectivity, receptivity and aliveness 

  • Becoming good living ancestors 

  • Acknowledging Country and First Peoples and how we are all a part of – not superior or separate to – the rest of life.

  • Recovering nourishing patterns that support life to thrive and departing from the patterns and systems* that have created the interwoven crises.

 *Systems of colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy and supremacy

We give people a chance to comprehend the world as it is; the majesty of existence and what our modern ways of being, knowing and doing thwart.

We hold open a window for you to experience something other so that we can tend to the systemic challenges we face.  

“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.”
— Robin Wall Kimmerer